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A drug test looks for the presence of either legal or illicit drugs in a biological sample, such as hair or urine. A drug test can be used for a number of purposes, the most popular being pre-employment screening. The drugs that are tested for the most frequently are PCP, amphetamines, cocaine, marijuana, and opioids.

Drug Testing FAQs

Why choose us?​

We provide a 12-panel drug test that covers both illegal street drugs and typical prescription medications. We can plan and carry out random drug tests on your staff or clients. Both supervised and unsupervised testing methods are offered by us.


Can I do a Take home Drug Test?

Though readily available, home drug test kits are frequently less accurate than testing conducted by professionals. A formal test on the same sample may yield a positive result, while a home test may yield a negative result.

When would you need a drug test?

Drug tests are commonly used for pre-employment screenings, diagnosis, and treatment of substance use disorders. They support the tracking of treatment compliance, abstinence, and early relapse detection. Drug tests could also be required for probationary periods, court-ordered programs, or while enrolled in a treatment program for substance use disorders.


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