Navigating Paths, Finding Clarity
Domestic Violence/Child Custody Evaluations
Comprehensive Domestic Violence and Child Custody Evaluations
When it comes to domestic violence and child custody, you need reliable, thorough evaluations to guide important decisions.
Ensure Clarity and Justice in Your Case
Do you have a complex case involving disagreements with the GAL or Family Relations Counselor’s findings? Are you concerned that the other party is manipulating the court process? Then you need an evaluation!
If your case includes issues such as substance abuse, allegations of neglect or abuse, domestic violence, mental health concerns, high conflict between parents, relocation questions, or determining the best interests of the child, a thorough evaluation may provide the clarity and support you need. We will collaborate with you and your attorney to provide an unbiased evaluation report that focuses on the critical aspects of your case.
Give your case the clarity it needs to ensure the judge sees what truly matters. Our evaluations cut through the fog and manipulation that the other party may be presenting.